Based in what was once the heart of London's print industry, the London Centre for Book Arts (LCBA) is an artist-run, open-access studio offering education programmes for the community and affordable access to resources for artists and designers.
London Centre for Book Arts
Based in what was once the heart of east London's print industry, the London Centre for Book Arts is an artist-run, open-access studio offering education programmes for the community and affordable access to resources for artists and designers.
✨OPEN STUDIO✨ It’s that time of year again – we’re taking part in SPACE Open Studios on Sunday 29 September. A chance to meet and buy directly from artists and makers at the London Centre for Book Arts, Britannia Works & Bridget Riley Studios.
In the LCBA gallery: UN—FOLDED by Haein Song continues until 12 October
Free & All Welcome!
Gorgeous four-colour Riso poster for the occasion by LCBA studio member Emma Crabtree.