If you are an artist or group of artists interested in submitting artist books, publications or zines to be considered for sale through A6 BOOKS, please carefully read the guidelines below and send us a single copy of the publication to:
London Centre for Book Arts
56 Dace Road
London E3 2NQ
Please include a brief description of the publication and any relevant information along with the following information:
Name of Artist(s):
Email address:
Website or social media:
Retail Price:
Number of copies produced:
Submissions are strictly limited to A6 size (105mm x 148mm) books and publications.
We will only consider for review books that have already been published or self-published. We cannot accept proposals or books that have yet to be published.
We are particularly interested in books or publications that have been conceived as artworks in their own right, and are inexpensive and produced in large or open editions rather than limited editions or unique books (to borrow from the submission guidelines of the great Printed Matter).
Due to space limitations we will not be able to accept all submissions. Submissions will be reviewed by a panel made up of members at LCBA. Please be patient as we may take up to six weeks to get back to you about your submissions.
PLEASE NOTE we do not offer pick-up or return service for submissions. In the event that your book is not accepted it will be added to the A6 BOOKS archive at the LCBA library.
If your work is selected, it will be sold at our shop on sale-or-return terms which is 40% to the shop and 60% to the artist/publisher.