DECOLONISING DESIGN EDUCATION [SCHOOLS OF DEPARTURE NO. 1] by JJ Adibrata, Regina Bittner, Katja Klaus, Philipp Sack
DECOLONISING DESIGN EDUCATION [SCHOOLS OF DEPARTURE NO. 1] by JJ Adibrata, Regina Bittner, Katja Klaus, Philipp Sack
Title Decolonising Design Education [Schools of Departure No. 1]
Author(s)/Editor(s) JJ Adibrata, Regina Bittner, Katja Klaus, Philipp Sack
Publisher Spector Books
Pages 195
Dimensions 110 x 150 mm
Format Softcover
Year 2023

Decolonising Design Education turns to the history of radical reforms in design and art education that aim to decolonize forms of knowing and making, speculates on their future and looks at different forms of implementation that these efforts take. Resulting from an exchange between Regina Bittner, Katja Klaus and Philipp Sack (Bauhaus Dessau Foundation) and JJ Adibrata and farid rakun (Gudskul), this edition includes a series of historical case studies, conversations and in-depth reports from ten art and design collectives on educational practices in formerly colonized regions. The paperback is part of the "Schools of Departure" series, which also includes a digital atlas that lists experimental approaches to art and design education beyond the Bauhaus. These phenomena are understood as manifestations of "traveling concepts", whose connotations are constantly shifting, whereby a variety of approaches in education remain constantly in exchange and in motion. The publication explores narratives of ways of appropriation that lead through different geographies, times and cultures.

JJ Adibrata, artist and teacher, Gudskul, Jakarta. Asia Art Archive, Hong Kong. Another Road-map Africa Cluster, Maseru Working Group. Suchitra Balasubrahmanyan, design historian and visiting professor, formerly School of Design at Ambedkar University, Delhi. Babau AIR, Hanoi. Bishkek School of Contemporary Art, Bishkek. Load Na Dito, Manila. Salikhain Kolektib, Philippines. Omnikolektif, Bandung. Pangrok Sulap, Malaysia. Nina Paim, editor, designer, curator and researcher, Porto. and researcher, Porto. farid rakun, architect and teacher, Gudskul, Jakarta. Serrum, Jakarta. Pedro J. S. Vieira de Oliveira, researcher, sound artist and teacher, Berlin. Ola Uduku, Director of the Liverpool School of Architecture. Unconditionaldesign, Jakarta.

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