WERE YOU ALWAYS A CRIMINAL? by Freddie Greenfield

WERE YOU ALWAYS A CRIMINAL? by Freddie Greenfield
Title | Were You Always a Criminal? |
Author(s)/Editor(s) | Freddie Greenfield |
Publisher | Fag Rag Books / Good Gay Poets Press |
Pages | 88 |
Dimensions | 140 x 205 mm |
Format | Softcover |
Year | 1989 |
Rediscovered titles from Good Gay Poets Press (Boston, US), an imprint of Fag Rag. From the collection of Michael Bronski, a writer and one of the original members of GLF Boston and Fag Rag.
About Good Gay Poets Press & Fag Rag:
Good Gay Poets, an offshoot of Fag Rag, began producing broadsides in 1971 and poetry books in 1975, beginning with a volume containing both Salvatore Farinella’s The Orange Telephone and Charley Shively’s Nuestra Senora de los Dolores. Fag Rag was an American gay men's newspaper, published from 1971 until 1987 by the Boston-based Fag Rag Collective, which consisted of radical writers, artists and activists. Notable members were Larry Martin, Charley Shively, Michael Bronski, Thom Nickels, and John Mitzel.
Found in:
Good Gay Poets