PORNEIA by Eduardo Kac
PORNEIA by Eduardo Kac
Title Porneia
Author(s)/Editor(s) Eduardo Kac
Publisher Nightboat Books
Pages 144
Dimensions 187 x 253 mm
Format Softcover
Year 2022

Internationally recognized for his work in telepresence and bioart, Kac presents here, translated into English for the first time, experimental poems, performances and visual works realized in the context of the Porn Art Movement, a vanguard that emerged in 1980 under a military dictatorship in Brazil.

Porneia features works realized in the context of the Porn Art Movement, a vanguard that emerged in 1980 under a military dictatorship in Brazil and which, for two intense years, straddled the line between relentless formal experimentation and the outlying demimonde where boundary-busting gender reinvention took place. Through performances, poetry and visual works, as well as through interventions in daily life, between 1980 and 1982 Kac carried out a radical body-based program that upturned the semiotics of normative pornography at the service of activism and imagination.