BRICKS TO PERFORM by Mark Pezinger
BRICKS TO PERFORM by Mark Pezinger
Title Bricks to Perform
Author(s)/Editor(s) Mark Pezinger
Publisher Mark Pezinger Books
Pages 64
Dimensions 105 x 145 mm
Format Softcover, edition of 500
Year 2017

“… A loose brick on the sidewalk might ‘ordinarily’ look random and displaced. However, they have within them hidden properties that can be activated: construction workers set them up as barriers, street vendors use them as weights for their products or pile them to sit on. As the day quietens down the stones are left behind; sometimes just randomly, othertimes carefully stored on a corner. What I couldn’t help but see were a never ending series of potential sculptures—performed daily as a result of practicalities that shift with each changing user. …”