WATERCOLOURGRAPH by Fraser Muggeridge studio
WATERCOLOURGRAPH by Fraser Muggeridge studio
Title Watercolourgraph
Author(s)/Editor(s) Fraser Muggeridge studio 
Publisher Fraser Muggeridge studio 
Pages 20
Dimensions 201 x 297 mm
Format Softover, signed and numbered 
Year 2021

How does an image translate through different graphic mediums? How many different variations can be produced of the same graphic form and how does this change our emotional understanding and thoughts in this regard? 'Watercolourgraph' shows 16 works produced by Fraser Muggeridge studio over the last 3 years, painted in watercolour by Lisa Scherf. Partly inspired by Crosby/Fletcher/Forbes 1966 article in Typographica 19, 'A book of matches,' in which they describe 'An Exercise, to take a simple object and within the limitation of black and white still reproduction, to explore some of the graphic means possible to illustrate it. Even within our chosen subject, matches, there are many variations.' This Watercolourgraph looks at this extensive body of work through a graphic watercolour lens.